Data types for Image Metafile
Module: cutoop.image_meta
Bases: object
Information of the scene
A list of visiable objects
Dataset source of the scene
Load object meta data from json file
>>> meta = ImageMetaData.load_json("../../misc/sample_real/000000_meta.json")
CameraIntrinsicsBase(fx=915.0556030273438, fy=914.1288452148438, cx=641.2314453125, cy=363.4847412109375, width=1280, height=720)
Bases: object
1-indexed class label of the object
Class name of the object
Path to the model mesh file
Whether it is marked as a background object.
Object ID, which is used to index object metadata
Scale from object space (not NOCS) to the camera space . For the size of the object, refer to the object meta file.
Bases: object
Whether the object meet requirements (faceup, reasonable real-world location)
the value identifying this object in mask image
object meta information.
object rotation in camera space
object translation in camera space
Construct Pose
relative to the camera coordinate.
Bases: Pose
Camera intrinsics
Scene object mesh path