Data types for Object Metafile

Module: cutoop.obj_meta.

classClassListItem​(name: str, label: int, instance_ids: 'list[str]', stat: dict)

Bases: object

propertyinstance_ids: list[str]

List of the object_id of the objects belonging to this class

propertylabel: int

ID of this class

propertyname: str

Name of this class

classObjectInfo​(object_id: str, source: str, name: str, obj_path: str, tag: cutoop.obj_meta.ObjectTag, class_label: int, class_name: str, dimensions: 'list[float]')

Bases: object

propertyclass_label: int

class ID of this object

propertyclass_name: str

class name of this object

propertydimensions: list[float]

Bounding box size under object space (not NOCS)

propertyobj_path: str

path to the object mesh file, relative to the source dataset path

propertyobject_id: str

Global unique object id.

propertysource: str

Source dataset of this object.

propertytag: ObjectTag
classObjectMetaData​(class_list: 'list[ClassListItem]', instance_dict: 'dict[str, ObjectInfo]')

Bases: object

propertyclass_list: list[ClassListItem]

The complete list of class

propertyinstance_dict: dict[str, ObjectInfo]

Objects indexed by object_id

methodload_json​(path: str): ObjectMetaData

Load object meta data from json file

classObjectTag​(datatype: str, sceneChanger: bool, symmetry: cutoop.rotation.SymLabel, materialOptions: 'list[str]', upAxis: 'list[str]')

Bases: object

propertydatatype: str

Which split does this object belongs to ( train or test )

propertysceneChanger: bool

whether this object has a relatively large size that can be placed objects on

propertysymmetry: SymLabel

Symmetry label.